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  1. IEEE Erişimi

    Effects of high levels of harmonics from lighting equipment andsystems Christiansen, R. Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Volume , Issue , 28 Sep-4 Oct 1991 Page(s):1859 - 1862 vol.2 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IAS.1991.178114 dostum...
  2. IEEE Erişimi

    slm dostum link aşagıda Harmonics from compact fluorescent lamps Verderber, R.R.; Morse, O.C.; Alling, W.R. Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Volume , Issue , 28 Sep-4 Oct 1991 Page(s):1853 - 1858 vol.2 Digital Object Identifier...
  3. IEEE Erişimi

    slm dostum banada makae lazıom lınk versem atarmısın IEEE den