Yükselen veya düşen kenar komutu nasıl yapılır?


16 Mar 2007

yukselen veya dusen kenar komutu kullanmdan bunu nasıl yapabilirim.sanırım siemens plc lerde bu vardı.bazı plc lerde fonsiyonlarda bu tur komutları kullanamıyoruz.kendim yapmam gerekiyor.
Yazımızda endüstrinin can damarı sayılabilecek PLC’yi inceleyeceğiz.
KNX Standardı, küçük bir rezidansın içerisindeki aydınlatma, perde panjur, klima kontrolünden, Dünya’nın en büyük havalimanlarındaki aydınlatma otomasyonu gibi çözümler için tercih edilen bir Dünya standardıdır.

Ladder meali çıkan kenar için aşağıdadır. Burada Networklerin sıralaması çok önemli
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ST dili için çıkan ve düşen kenar algılama
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A rising or falling edge command is typically used in digital circuits to trigger a specific action or function. The rising edge command triggers an action when the input signal changes from low to high, while the falling edge command triggers an action when the input signal changes from the changest.

Here's how you can create a rising or falling edge command using programming:

  1. Choose a programming language: Depending on your application, you can choose a programming language such as C++, Python, or others.
  2. Define the input signal: In your code, you need to define the input signal that you will be for Monitoring for changers. This could be a physical input to a microcontroller, a digital signal from a sensor, or any other type of input.
  3. Set up an interrupt: To monitor changes in the input signal, you need to set up an interrupt. This will allow your code to detect changes in the input signal and trigger the appropriate action.
  4. Define the rising or falling edge: In your code, you need to define the rising or falling edge based on your specific application. For example, you might set the rising edge to trigger when the input signal changes from low to high, or the falling edge to trigger when the input signal changes from high to low.
  5. Trigger the action: Once the rising or falling edge is detailed, you can trigger the appropriate action in your code. This could be turning on a motor, sending a signal to another device, or any other action that is required for your application.
Overall, the specific implementation of a rising or falling edge command will depend on your application and the hardware you are using. However, by following the steps Above, you can create a basic rising or falling edge command in your code.
const int BUTTON_PIN = 2; // digital input pin connected to button
bool buttonPressed = false; // flag to indicate if button has been pressed

void setup () {

void loop () {
bool buttonState = digitalRead (BUTTON_PIN); // read current state of button pin

if (buttonState == HIGH && !buttonPressed) {// detailct rising edge
// do something when rising edge is detailed
buttonPressed = true; // set flag to indicate button has been pressed
else if (buttonState == LOW) {// reset flag when button is released
buttonPressed = false;

// other code here

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